for volunteers!
Every month, we need helping hands with:
- picking up donations
- food preparation and cooking
- help with the serving
- clean-up
- making posters
- postering in the Old East area to announce servings
To prepare every serving, there are also things we need that we can't get
from our produce donors.
- cooking ingredients (sugar, salt, spices, cooking oil, etc)
- grains, beans, legumes, rice, etc.
- reusable storage containers of all sizes (yogurt containers, food-grade buckets, etc)
- dishes (bowls, cups, plates, etc)
- baking trays, pots & pans, knives and cutting boards
- vinegar for cleaning, bleach for sterilizing dishes and utensils
- serving utensils (ladels, spatulas, serving spoons, etc)
- We need a bike trailer! Have welding skills? Or better yet, have a bike trailer? Our specially-built trailer was stolen, and we'd rather not have to rely on a car to pick up donations.
Do you grow a vegetable garden? Ever have extra produce or vegetables to
spare? We'll magically turn those vegetables into delicious meals!